Dental Implant Service

At Brilliant Clinic, we offer advanced dental implant treatments to restore missing or damaged teeth, giving you a natural-looking, long-lasting solution. Dental implants are titanium posts placed into the jawbone, providing a strong foundation for replacement teeth or bridges. Our experienced team ensures that the procedure is comfortable and tailored to your individual needs.

What is Dental Implant Treatment?

The implant can be referred to as the screw-like structure made of titanium. Usually, the missing teeth are filled with implants. The treatment begins with engraving of the jawbone in the area of the tooth. This is done in a very simple way. A suitable implant is selected according to the size of the location and placed in this area. There is nothing to be afraid of the placement process. Unless there are extreme conditions, the screws will be placed in the jawbone within 10 minutes. Following implant placement and healing period, the upper part is mounted with porcelain, E-max, or zirconium crowns.

The main reason for implant treatment is missing teeth. Bone tissue and structure should be suitable for the treatment. If there is a weakness in the bone structure, bone grafting is added to the area, and the structure is strengthened. This is very common. In addition, implantation may be inconvenient if there are diseases or conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hemophilia problems. Patients who have health issues should consult their doctors before implant treatment. The patient is expected to be able to tend to implant area after the procedure. Apart from these exceptions, there is no circumstance to prevent dental implant treatment.

Initial Healing

After the implants are placed, an average period of waiting is about 3 to 5 days. After this period, stitches are removed. You can either stay here in Turkey and come back to our clinic for stitch removal, or you can go back home and get the stitches removed by a local dentist. But we usually suggest our patients to stay here and come back to the clinic for a final check and stitch removal before you leave.

Depending on your bone structure, age, and number of implants, you need to wait for 2 to 6 months to achieve complete recovery. This is crucial for the success of the treatment. If there are specific conditions, this period may be reduced or increased. This period must pass for the implant to bond with the bone to complete the healing process. After recovery, you will need to come to our clinic for a second visit. In that visit, the crowns are placed on the implants as the last stage of your treatment.

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